new things

Skull Vest - Primark (£5)
Yellow Dress - H&M (£7.99)
Lilac Body Con Dress - Primark (£10)

Perfect pretty colours for spring/summer. Of course it is now snowing. UGH.

Revlon Lip Butters
Real Techniques Stippling Brush
Real Techniques Core Collection
Sunglasses - H&M (£3.99)
Earrings - Primark (£2)

I caved into the hype surrounding Revlon Lip Butters. How naughty is Boots for putting everything on 3 for 2?! I also ended up getting the Real Techniques Stippling Brush, which I absolutely LOVE. Again there's a lot of hype surrounding these brushes but so far I'd say it's deservedly so. I was so loved up that I had to go out & get the core collection..whoops. 

 Palm Pendant Necklace (£5.99) & Chain Peace Pendant Ear Cuff (£4.99) - c/o

How pretty are these babies?! The lovely Chelsea asked me if I'd like to pick a couple of items off her site, very spoilt for choice. Her stuff is just the sort of thing I like, really pretty but without a crazy price tag. I haven't had the necklace off since it came, way too cute!

Ohhh & thought I'd let you know that I've popped these two tops on my shop..check out what I'm getting rid of here :)

P.S thankyou for continuing to be the loveliest followers around. You are beauts. x

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